Monday, March 03, 2025

What Is Good

I've noticed...I have to focus on how to promote what is good…not in theory, but in action.

Trying to keep up with what is wrong is, in the end, demoralizing and hopeless…it saps both my energy and strength.  It is also easy.  It is harder to direct my attention away from that and on to what I can actually do for the sake of someone else’s good.  

I've also noticed that how I start my day affects my focus the rest of my day.  

What you give your attention to fills your mind. And, what you fills your mind with impacts your whole being. Your being is where the action is because it is from your being that you love.

Knowing what is good is one thing; acting on it is another.  It seems like I have to consciously focus and choose what I want to do about what I know...and act accordingly.