Do you know what your greatest asset is?
Your desire.
It is true that your desire will probably drive you into a few ditches. But, it will also be what motivates you to get out of them.
One of the best things you can get in the habit of doing is asking yourself each day what is it that you want most from it. The answer provides you the greatest opportunity to direct your attention and resources.
If you don't do this, you are highly at risk of drifting along in mindless feeding on the delivery systems of our culture, which aren't nearly as interested in you as a person (in spite of what it sometimes looks like) as much as they are in lining the pockets of those benefitting from those systems.
What you really need most is already within you. Your work is discovering what that is and connecting it to the needs of the world (more likely, to one piece of the world). How you do that is through your familiarity with what you want. It is your desire that can guide you and ultimately lead you toward a deeper sense of fulfillment.
Like any asset, your desire can be unattended, suppressed, or corrupted. But, also like any asset, it can reveal the deeper and freeing truth about yourself and your contribution to life.
Do you know who you are? Do you want to know? What if this year you learned how to follow your desire — in the end, it may be the best asset you have.