Oh Holiest of Holies Entering Into our humanity Star of the nativity Culmination Of all the covenants Evidence of your promise Brought to fruition Hope of the world Our salvation
Oh Holiest of Holies Your deity Wrapped in rags For swaddling Inhabiting A vulnerable body Ushering in The era of jubilation Woven from Threads Of humanity And divinity The answer To our hearts Deepest longings And desires
Oh Holiest of Holies You abandoned Your royal residence To exemplify For us The way for us To live, to be You walked amongst us Taught us The way of love
The way of peace Oh Holiest of Holies During this season Of anticipation And celebration Remind us Consume us Envelope us Expand us To be bridge builders Peacemakers Ambassadors And carriers Of your love
Oh Holiest of Holies May we see your Incarnation As an insurrection Of empires And powers that be An invitation To be co laborers In the work Of emancipation For every Tribe and Every nation
-- Deb Miller