Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Where True Meaning Lies

The holidays are a special time to pause, reflect, and give thanks. It's a chance to appreciate our accomplishments, the lessons we've learned, and the blessings in our lives. As we gather with loved ones, let's remember that the genuine essence of the season extends beyond gifts, and the true meaning lies in the deeper connections we foster.

-- Carey Lohrenz

As much as this is an admonition for heading into this season, I think it sets the stage equally well for a new year.  

So, how do we want to foster deeper connections in our lives?

The answer may require some reflection….

It's Not All Bad News Out There

There are some amazing things going on...continue here.

Monday, December 30, 2024


I'm wondering...about our relationship with anxiety, especially as we head into another year.

Anxiety is not just a personal matter.  

It is a collective one, too.  Because anxiety often leads to anger, which can lead to resentment, which can lead to contempt.  I think we can see where contempt leads….

Do we want to deal with anxiety in a new year?  Personally?  Collectively?

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 

-- Philippians 4:6

Sunday, December 29, 2024

One With All

As we deepen into this vision of our common unity, we come to understand that we are one with all humanity, all creatures, all creation, and God. So nonviolence is much more than a tactic or a strategy; it is a way of life that is based in the oneness of creation, the unity of life itself. It is not passive but active love and truth that seek justice and peace for the whole human race and all of creation, and so resists systemic evil and violence, persistently reconciles with everyone, works to create new cultures of justice and peace, yet insists there is no cause however noble for which we support the killing of any human being. Instead of killing others, we work to stop the killing and are even willing to be killed in the struggle for justice and peace.   

-- John Dear

Saturday, December 28, 2024

3 Observations & A Question

What you do today sets up your tomorrow.

Lord, enable me today to step toward what I might otherwise hang-back from.

One of the gifts we really have to give ourselves is to identify what it is that we believe about ourselves — because what we are believing about ourselves is what is driving almost everything we do.

Do you think you cherish your life?

Prior 3 Observations & A Question….

Friday, December 27, 2024

Americans agree more than they might think − not knowing this jeopardizes the nation’s shared values

The United States presents a paradox: Though the media and public opinion suggest it is a nation deeply divided along partisan lines, surveys reveal that Americans share significant common ground on many core values and political issues.

As a political philosopher, I am deeply concerned about the perceived contrast between the public’s shared political concerns and the high level of polarization that is dividing the electorate.

Despite the prevailing narrative of polarization, Americans frequently agree on essential issues.

For instance, there is widespread support for high-quality health care that is accessible to all and for stronger gun-control regulations. Remarkably, many Americans advocate for both the right to bear arms and additional restrictions on firearms.

There is strong support for fundamental democratic principles, including equal protection under the law, voting rights, religious freedoms, freedom of assembly and speech, and a free press.

On critical issues such as climate change, a majority of citizens acknowledge the reality of human-caused climate change and endorse the development of renewable energy. Similarly, support for women’s reproductive rights, including the right to an abortion, is widespread.  Continue here....

-- Beth Daley

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Something That Moves You

Take something that moves you and shine the light of the gospel on it.

-- Jürgen Moltmann

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Holiest of Holies

Poem for Christmas' -- "Holiest of Holies ":      

Oh Holiest of Holies Entering Into our humanity Star of the nativity Culmination Of all the covenants Evidence of your promise Brought to fruition Hope of the world Our salvation

Oh Holiest of Holies Your deity Wrapped in rags For swaddling Inhabiting A vulnerable body Ushering in The era of jubilation Woven from Threads Of humanity And divinity The answer To our hearts Deepest longings And desires

Oh Holiest of Holies You abandoned Your royal residence To exemplify For us The way for us To live, to be You walked amongst us Taught us  The way of love

The way of peace Oh Holiest of Holies During this season Of anticipation And celebration Remind us Consume us Envelope us Expand us To be bridge builders Peacemakers Ambassadors And carriers Of your love

Oh Holiest of Holies May we see your Incarnation As an insurrection Of empires And powers that be An invitation To be co laborers In the work Of emancipation For every Tribe and Every nation

-- Deb Miller

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

O Holy Night

The singing (so, it’s not just me)!

Instagram: eleanornd

God Chooses To Work With Us

The genealogy of Jesus reveals that God chooses to work with us as we are, using our weaknesses, even more than our strengths, to fulfill the divine purpose.... In a world as cold and cruel and unjust as it was at the time of Jesus’ birth in a stable, we desire something better. And in desiring it, we come to believe that it is possible. We await its coming in hope.

-- Kathleen Norris

Perhaps because I didn't grow up in a tradition that respected much of Mary; my appreciation for the tradition surrounding her, that has developed over the centuries, certainly has. 

Some of which is represented in this meditation: 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Singing Together

I've noticed...that something happens in me when I’m around people who are singing together (especially this time of year).

I don’t even have to participate, but when I do, that something extends further.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

It Happened

Well, it happened…on a pre-dawn walk this week, ironically after a tumultuously sleepless night of fearful dreams.

Sometimes I am surprised at the amount of low-grade terror that I feel in my mind. And, the startling thing for me is that the tendency of it seems to be growing the older I get. At the very least, this is not what I was expecting.

When we were children, we used to think that when we were grown up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability... To be alive is to be vulnerable.

-- Madeleine L'Engle

It could very well be that I just know more now, more about the things that threaten something about me. It could also be that the broader climates that are in play right now are impacting me at deeper levels than I would’ve guessed. And so, maybe it is phenomenological or maybe it is psychological. Maybe it is spiritual. It could even be physical...or some combination of all the above. Perhaps, though, I am, as L'Engle puts it, just a little more alive to things.

One thing that feels conspicuous, as I try to contemplate the realities operating in and around me, is not so much what is happening as it is what feels required. And, even putting it that way, exposes something. Something along the lines of agency that I feel I increasingly don’t have. Not unlike being thrown up against a wall, it strikes me that this doesn’t as much require something of me, in terms of agency, as it calls out something in me regarding what I am ultimately trusting in.

Perhaps, for longer than I realized, I have slowly been building a kind of self-sufficiency that increasingly adds to my sense of burden and distorts my perception of reality. A small scripture floats across my mind, “In this world you will have trouble…". One of the distortions in my perception is somehow related to that observation. I actually think, more than I realize, that because of that simple truth, something more is needed from me in terms of mitigating that trouble.

But, the reality is that my capacity for such (not to mention the range and depth of threat itself) is diminishing, not increasing. And, so, what is needed, at least the more part of it, is not more effort aimed at agency for myself. What is needed is more acknowledgment. More acknowledgment of my dependence, as opposed to my independence. What is needed is an increasing awareness of the lack of ultimate jeopardy I really am in.

In other words, faith. Not the simple, desperate finger-crossing kind of hoping that something will prevent my demise (as if it would be a stroke of luck of some kind). But, the kind of faith that ultimately rest more, rather than strives more. A kind of faith that not only acknowledges, but understands the degree to which I am held by divine goodness. In our culture, we sometimes call this God. That works, for the most part. I am held by God, especially with regard to the ultimacy involved in my existence. This is what the world misses much of the time, as it struggles for our self-sufficiency rather than God-dependency.

The Scriptures basically tell this story over and over and over the one about the with-ness of God, with us. Perhaps this is why there is some kind of cord that is struck within us around times like Christmas. Because over the centuries, the real story of Christmas persists. There is an undeniable nexus of both the rawness and innocence of it. It meets us something in us. Something that we need as we struggle to embrace the realities of the threats that we feel.

The trifecta+one of the power words of Advent, our simultaneously, systematically and mysteriously, timeless. When we lose our hope, we come as close as we ever do to losing everything. It is hopelessness that leads to war of one kind or another. But with hope we experience a kind of peace — the kind that we ultimately need. That kind of peace is what enables a kind of joy that confoundingly undermines our prevailing atmosphere of fear. And, it is from that base that our true capacity for something actually surprising can happenlove. To love ourselves, to love another, to love the world. This capacityto make loveis ultimately what it means to love God.

And, it is in these dimensions of existence that we are able to move from the normalized condition of human fear that is isolated from reality to an open, embracing, joyful ability to both experience and distribute the love of God.

In the light of eternity, we’re here for a very short time, really. We’re here for one thing, ultimately: to learn how to love, because God is love. Love is our origin, love is our ground, and love is our destiny.

-- James Finley, Wisdom in Times of Crisis 

Some of the greater hymns of the season have surely captured the essence of these core truths. Perhaps that is why when the words are combined with the melodies we often innately repeat this time of year, we sense something sublime, and we bow our knee in adoration of it…for such a miraculous depiction of the relationship we have with reality through God.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

3 Observations & A Question

Even in the seeming slowness of waiting, the pace picks up speed as we near a destination.

At some point, people just can’t keep up, and the purveyors of fear know that.

Eventually, we realize that the goal is not to catch up or keep up — so, at some point, we have to ask what the goal really is.

Escaping the present by constantly anticipating the future may result in a different future than you imagine — if you don’t know how to live in the current present, how are you going to live in the next one?

Prior 3 Observations & A Question….

Friday, December 20, 2024

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Only Authentic State

Vulnerability is the only authentic state. Being vulnerable means being open, for wounding, but also for pleasure. Being open to the wounds of life means also being open to the bounty and beauty. Don't mask or deny your vulnerability: it is your greatest asset.

-- Stephen Russell

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


At the end of the day, you are your own primary caregiver.

Someone else may join you and even help you in that task, for which you should be so grateful. But, it is not their primary responsibility to care for you. It is your responsibility to care for yourself (which, by the way, enables you to be that much better off, should someone else join you in your care, too).

Just like it is not somebody else’s job to make you grow (or prevent your poor choices); that, too, is primarily your job.

When we take ownership of our well-being, we not only receive the benefit of doing so, we also enable ourselves to be in a position to offer care to others.

For too many, consenting to this notion is not an insignificant first step. But, once accepted, the tasks involved in what this means can form a rather long list.

What all is involved in true self-care? What does it even mean to be healthy?

...it is not someone else's job to answer those questions.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


The biggest challenge to success is attention.

Effectiveness is largely a function of focus.

Focus invariably is reflected in your actions.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Safe Drinking Water Act

In a world of misinformation, we need to have a sense of history and stay informed about what is true...and how we got here regarding things like the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Come Down

Ever noticed...that, typically, we tend to presume that God needs to come ‘down’ (that God is somehow 'up' — above us…we look to the heavens, to a star, etc)?  

Perhaps, this orientation helps us imagine something that we often feel we can’t quite reach here (on this plain).  We need help and want or need something to come to us (Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel, Your Kingdom Come, etc).

Somehow, the direction of that coming seems important...to us.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

All Material Things

We see in the original Gospel stories of Jesus’ birth that there’s really nothing pretty about the first Christmas. The only way human beings can understand spiritual things is that they have to be presented in physical, material form. We can’t get it otherwise. We have to see it and we have to touch it. How God comes into the world would also seem to be very important, as if to say to us: this is where God is to be found. The great question has always been, “What is God? Who is God? Where is this God hiding?” because initially, God isn’t really obvious to most people. The mystery we celebrate at Christmas is saying that the divine has chosen its hiding place in the world, and it’s in all material things. And that all becomes summed up now in the body of Jesus.

Where is this God being revealed? Not in the safe world, but at the edge, at the bottom, among those where we don’t want to find God, where we don’t look for God, where we don’t expect God. The way we’ve created Christianity, it seems like it’s all about being nice, pretty, middle class, “normal” and under the law. Here we have in the Gospel stories Jesus, Mary, and Joseph being none of those things. It might just be telling us we should be looking elsewhere.

-- Richard Rohr

Saturday, December 14, 2024

3 Observations & A Question

The only way out of the rut of my mind is to get moving physically.

You can’t become somebody tomorrow that you’re not already today — whatever you want to be…needs to be discovered and cultivated now.

Art is a way of speaking to you — not always, of course, but when something is happening in you that lines up with something an artwork expresses…we say something like, "it really speaks to me".

If podcasts aren’t exactly church, what do we miss without church?

Prior 3 Observations & A Question….

Friday, December 13, 2024

The Christic

'Poem for the week' -- "The Christic":   

I am looking at a tree, but I see such astounding beauty and  
graciousness, the tree must be You, O God, 
I look at the wild weeds playing across the fields, and their 
wild joyful freedom speaks to me of You, O God. 
Yesterday, I saw a child crying alone on a busy corner, and  
the tears were real, and I thought, you must be crying, O God. 
God, you are the mystery within every leaf and grain of sand, 
in every face, young and old, you are the light and beauty  
of every person.  
You are Love itself.  
Will we ever learn our true meaning, our true identity?  
Will we ever really know that we humans are created for 
For it is love alone that moves the sun and stars 
and everything in between.  

We are trying too hard to find You, but You are already here,  
We are seeking life without You, but You are already within,  
Our heads are in the sand, our eyes are blinded by darkness,  
our minds are disoriented in our desperate search 
for meaning.  
Because You are not what we think You are:  
You are mystery.  
You are here and You are not, 
You are me and You are not,  
You are now and You are not, 
You are what we will become.  
You are the in-between mystery 
The infinite potential of infinite love,  
And it is not yet clear what You shall be,  
For we shall become something new together.

-- Ilia Delio

Thursday, December 12, 2024

You Cannot Save People

You cannot save people, you can only love them.

-- Anais Nin

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Getting Into Christmas

I can’t seem to get into Christmas this year.

Come to think of it, I felt this way last year, too.

And, then it happened. It snuck up on me.

The normal seasonal activities just don’t seem to tip the scale for me anymore. Their magic doesn’t work. Am I just getting old and cynical or does the over-the-topness of it all now just bury the truly energizing substance of it?

Maybe, though, it isn’t really just me? Maybe it’s the consumption and marketing orientation of it all that sucks the life out of its meaning. Never-ending power ballads (even on the best of the season’s songs), in the end, seem to make one just more tired than inspired.

There is a certain poverty about the core message of Christmas that makes part of its dimensionality so rich. But, that seems to be the very part of it that is overcome by the glitz and tinsel of which it has become.

Sometimes I wonder if I really can blame it fully on external factors, though. I feel a niggling of something telling me that it is more about something internal than simply external forces. Should that be possible, I wonder about what factors I'm working with (or not) that essentially dim my awareness of things, including the real essence of what is involved in things like Christmas. To that end, identifying what I'm giving attention to seems helpful (if not wise).

Either way, I will likely still try to see if the cookies, my favorite egg nog, or a late-night candle while listening to a favorite carol will do the trick. More than once, though, I've discovered that what I really need has been sitting beside me the whole time...waiting for me. In other words, it didn't move as much as I did. So, I've learned that I just need to direct my attention, be patient with such things, and wait for my encounter with the real spirit of it all.

Perhaps, it is this posture anyway that makes it work...whenever it does.

Besides attention and waiting, note other suggestions (at bottom)...here.

Photo by Chris Moore on Unsplash

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Whispered vs Shouted

The truth is whispered while opinions are shouted.

-- Shane Parrish

Monday, December 09, 2024

Reality: Awareness?

I'm wondering...if reality is awareness.

What are you aware of?  Why are you aware of that?

Is the journey of our lives primarily about the degree to which we are becoming increasingly aware?

If we give the benefit of the doubt; of what, then?  Aware of what? 

…of what is actually real?

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Saturday, December 07, 2024

4 Observations (from Others)

Don’t believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate.

-- Renee Jain

Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there — buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.

-- Deepak Chopra

Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be. 

-- Wayne Dyer

The Holy Spirit is looking to essentially flow into our lives, take whatever is left of us, and reassemble it into something that can become our unique gift to the world. 

-- Adam Bucko

Thursday, December 05, 2024

At What?

You owe it to yourself to simply do the best that you can – the trick is, though, the best you can...at what?

For a good answer, you really have to have worked at a deep and personal understanding of two things — what the world is in need of and what you have to bring to that need. 

By the way, for what it's worth, I think it’s safe to assume that what you have is God-given (one way or another), so the real question probably becomes something closer to, have you discovered what that is yet?

For some, such things are revealed in a flash; a devastating jolt from reality. For others, it is a long (sometimes painfully) slow arc of discovery. Whichever version of the journey is yours, it does no good to wish you had the other one. Paying attention to the revelation, in whatever form it takes, is your task. Your calling is to give that (whatever has been revealed to you as yours to give) to the world; not necessarily in some grandiose way, but in the smallest, simplest, most pure way you can find. 

The size of it doesn’t matter; the giving does.  

One of the revelations I am still discovering about my calling, is to share my sense of self, especially at times when I feel the urge to keep it hidden…with silence.

Immerse yourself in the part of truth you can join and contribute to — so that truth can set you free….

You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.

-- Marie Curie

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

The Only Time

The present is the only time in which any duty can be done or any grace received.

-- C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

LT: Personal Growth

The ultimate value of doing the work of personal growth is not to only feel better about ourselves. We do the work so that we can contribute to how those around us feel about themselves. 

-- Simon Sinek

Monday, December 02, 2024


I've noticed...a tension I feel between a desire to inspire other people and not wanting to talk to somebody into something (that they really don't want to do).

I don’t think that description is quite right....

But, it does describe two things that feel adjacent to each other that seem like they need to be more separated.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Measure of Aliveness

Everything is a gift. The degree to which we are awake to this truth is a measure of our gratefulness, and gratefulness is a measure of our aliveness.

-- Brother David Steindl-Rast