Monday, July 01, 2024


I’m wondering...about capacity.

A number of things are happening in my life right now that have me thinking about this.  Yesterday's prayer reference to capacity caught my ear.  

Perhaps, things shouldn’t exclusively be defined in terms of strength — am I strong enough?  Am I as strong as someone else?  How do I get stronger?  Etc.  What if we thought of things instead in terms of capacity, without the burden of comparison that often seems to come along with things like strength?  

So, what would I want to do, in the way I live my life, that would simply make me more capable?  Not infinitely so or completely so, just a little more capable than I am right now.  We are all going through things.  What could I do today, or how could I think about what happens to me today, in the frame of how it could make me more capable?  

Eventually, this would lead to this question — capable of what?  How about simply caring for things that need care in the world around me?