Most people identify clutter as a tangible entity. It’s that pile of papers, books, and objects sitting on your desk waiting to be put away. While the physical stuff is obvious, most of our clutter is invisible, says Barbara Hemphill, author of Less Clutter More Life and founder of the Productive Environment Institute.
There are a few different categories of clutter, according to Hemphill:
- Physical
- Digital
- Emotional
- Spiritual
“Physical and digital clutter are symptoms of emotional and spiritual clutter,” Hemphill says. Years ago, when she started as a professional organizer, “I realized that every time there was somebody who was a real pack rat or hoarder, they had trouble letting go,” she says. “If I asked enough questions, I would inevitably find out they had experienced a severe emotional loss that would leave them physically paralyzed when it came to clearing up the clutter. It wasn’t a paper problem; it was an emotional problem.”
Spiritual clutter also gets in the way by representing our hopes, dreams, and fears. “I believe God created every person for a specific purpose, for a specific work,” says Hemphill. “We are to not only accomplish our work, but we are to enjoy our life. When you know your purpose, then it’s easy to know what’s clutter.”
Hemphill suggests asking yourself the question, “Does this [physical or digital thing] help me accomplish my work or have the life I want?” “If it doesn’t, by definition, it’s clutter,” she says. “Clutter prevents you from reaching your purpose, but getting rid of clutter helps you reveal your purpose.” Continue here....
-- Stephanie Vozza