Wednesday, December 13, 2023

By The Time...

The cycle and circle of a defyingly amazing thing.  We can direct some of it; but mostly, in the end, we simply learn to cooperate with it.  This is not necessarily as much acquiescence (though some of that is surely needed, too) as it is a recognition of the deep trust we can have in it.  Richard Rohr put it this way:
Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition.
We must have faith in inherent goodness, for without it we would cave in on ourselves (if we're at all honest).  But, with it, we are highly poised to engage with both life's highest of highs and lowest of lows.  This allows us to more effectively travel these cycles of life and to both give and receive from them.

Few things are more impacting throughout these than our relationships, especially family.  It is as if it is designed this way.  When it becomes so broken, we must attend to it...even with separation.  But, otherwise, we must simply cooperate and engage with it.  And, herein lies the beautiful invitation of it.  

At times, doing so will challenge us to the core (after all, in the most basic of ways, we come from it).  At other times, it will lift us to heights we otherwise may never have imagined.  How it feels is important.  But, what it is is even more important.  Our vision of this cycle of life can certainly grow:
Aging can be either a life of nostalgia or a wholehearted engagement with the future. 

-- Ilia Delio
So, may we let it.  It keeps the whole thing going, in healthy ways (so beautifully described by Susan Cain here and Pat McCabe here).

Here’s a Christmasy version of the idea...sent to me by my daughter (who, by the way, is now pregnant):

...the cycle continues.