Wednesday, October 18, 2023


At some point, you could no longer avoid the conclusion that chaos is not only the result, but the strategy. immediately resonant is this observation?

It seems nearly the whole political world has bought into it.

...unless the media version of the world is not the whole world.

Which it isn't.

But, still, we are so preoccupied by chaos...because at some level it does work (just not constructively), especially in terms of requiring our attention.

But, it’s a damn shame for those who peddle (or worse) in it — as it is for those of  us who just keep clicking away at their conspiracies like…voyeurs. 

Do I sound a little angry?  I’m not sure who to be more mad at — our leaders for not working at anything other than maintaining their power or us for not demanding any better.

We can do better – we have to do better… maybe even for the sake of our very own survival.