Is it not the case that what we are good at is often a function of what we have most applied ourselves to?
And, is it not also the case that what we apply our self most to is largely a function of what we’re interested in? And, again generalizing, are not the things we are most interested related to something innate within us?
Assuming some type of progression in this particular sequencing, could we propose that it is our interests that gives us a clue to what we could most benefit from truly pursuing?
So, how does one identify their interests? Of course, there would be many paths to answer that question. But one of them, at the very least, might be that exposure to a variety of things and experiences create opportunity for those interests to be revealed.
I am mindful of some of the things that I love the most today are the same things that I was exposed to as a child. That is probably more than a coincidence. Not to say that if I had been exposed to something else, I automatically would be interested in those things instead of the things that I’m interested in now (though that is theoretically possible). Nonetheless, it is conspicuous that what I enjoy is a function of what I do and what I do is a function of what I’m interested in and what I’m interested in is often connected to what I’ve been exposed to.
It's not hard to notice that exposure to things often sets a number of things in motion. I've watched this in my own experience (as a child...and ever since), in my grand-children (see above), and in the stories of others.
So, what are the implications of such observations?
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