Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Not Want To Be A Christian

Another lingering reflection, from a recent Randoms...:

One thing that makes me not want to be a Christian is the way they treat the people they disapprove of — often simply because of what they think.

The strange thing is that many "Christians" seem to think they're never the ones that do this to other people.  

So why, then, do you hear them so often refer to other people or groups the way they do?  

"He's black, you know...".  "Hispanics are always...".  Not knowing any better (from what's being said...out loud even), you could easily assume all Chinese are bad, right along with Muslims.  

Of course, it's never a specific one in particular — unless the person is gay or has had an abortion or has a drug problem.  

Having grown up a Christian, I'm afraid I might have thought some of the same things at times.  

Two things changed me — 1) meeting specific people in these groups and learning that they are actually people (not issues) and 2) feeling some of the same things from Christians myself, when I embraced these people.

Yes, Christians turned on me, too (trending anyone?).  For the first time, I actually experienced some of what 'those' people feel from Christians.  No longer friends; I got the silent treatment, the slant-eyed looks, the whispering, the "you've changed" comments, the withdrawal, no longer being invited, being described as the opposition, etc.  

And, my version of experience didn't even include things like lack of safety, threats, or physical harm, like many of these people feel — all under what amounts to be the sanctions of know, the ones that are supposedly called to love others.  But, they will turn on you, too, if you don't join in or remain loyal to their ideals...about others.

And, nothing makes me NOT want to be a Christian more.