As much as you are able to set aside the narratives that surround the politically-based perspectives of these days, compare the two inaugural addresses of President Trump, four years ago, and Joe Biden today. What do you hear? At face value, what is unique to the basic message of each?
One surrounding question may be something like, "Yeah, but what will actually be different?" Speeches are fine (sometimes even great), and often don’t end up being very mirrored by reality, but they do engage how power will be used and reveal the assumptions that fuel it.
So, I ask again, what do you hear today?
So much of what we actually hear is predicated on where we think what is being said is coming from. But, this highly mitigates our ability to listen. Acknowledging this and pursuing active listening, what do you hear today? What words are being used? What is important to you about what is being said?
What do you hear today?
Some of what was said on other Inauguration Days (who said them? click link):