Sometimes, one of my Randoms lingers with me a while and I find myself reflecting further on it. Here's one like that regarding wonder and belief:
Do you ever wonder about why you believe, what you believe?
Or, you may find yourself saying something like, "I don't believe that...". Do you wonder why?
The key here is partly the believing; but, more importantly in my view, the why.
What happens if you never wonder why you believe what you believe?
I first encountered this when I studied in Europe in college. Up to that point, I was so sure about the nature of truth (even though I was only in college! — which is partly the point here). My experience there caused me to really wonder about the basis of my certainty.
There is so much involved in our notions of belief; often much that we are completely unaware of. You should wonder about it, because of what tends to happen when you don't.