Whether it's canceling plans with your closest friend because their pod is bigger than yours or questioning a family member who isn't wearing a mask, these conversations can get really heated, really fast.
But as with so many things in 2020, the only way out is through. That's why I spoke with Kwame Christian, an expert in negotiation and conflict resolution, about how we can have these tough conversations without letting them boil over into full-blown arguments.
Christian's technique centers on a simple, three-step process that goes like this:
- Acknowledge and validate the emotion. Recognize how everybody is feeling about the situation, even if it's difficult.
- Get curious with compassion. Ask lots of questions and genuinely listen to the answers.
- Joint problem-solving. Once both parties have acknowledged how they're feeling and identified why there's an issue, come up with solutions together — so that there is buy-in from both sides.
-- Sylvie Douglis