Friday, August 28, 2020

Our Comfort

In respect of all that has happened before and after the significant events that took place 57 years ago today...

Our only chance at dismantling racial injustice is being more curious about its origins than we are worried about our comfort. It's not a comfortable conversation for any of us.

-- Austin Channing Brown

"We the people..." is not primarily, in the end, a political process. The sooner we recognize that, the better.

"We the people..." are effectively deferring something that, apparently, only we can muster the fortitude to address.  Our commitment to personal comfort by handing things off to the government is terminal, because it too conveniently just gives us someone else to blame (if the political conventions the last two weeks haven't made that clear, then...well, you finish the sentence...).  This dynamic has become entrenched in demonization of whatever and whoever is on the 'other side'.

Nothing constructive is really happening, in this context.  We are spending all our resources just fortifying our bases (at both collective and personal levels).  Our politicians are just selling fear.  And, they are selling it to us because we're buying it.  Stop.Buying.Into.Their.Fear.

Continuing to defer, even via something like an election, is not a viable process towards change.

The people need to decide what they are going to do.  What am I going to do? is the operative question.  What are we the people going to do?

Our comfort is no longer an option.