In some ways, in spite of our general aversion to change, we are highly adaptable to what is around us, especially over time.
It is easy for us to tend to associate with those who seem most like us, or with those whom we like, or who we believe would benefit us in some way.
We also tend to start viewing things like those around us do. And, for better or worse, we tend to see others the way those we spend time with do.
I've even been in groups where people start to mimic each other's mannerisms (including facial expressions).
In other words, our high propensity for adaptability seems tethered to what appears to be a kind of innate social need.
At one level, this can be a bit disconcerting; especially when it is related to areas where we don't like to think this is true, like with matters of faith.
But, at another level, the good news is that this reality is also part of why our stories of redemption are also true. We are much more about 'we, than me'.
Spiritual practices done alone will not change our character. They may help a little. But relational skills grown through community will lead to lasting transformation.
-- Geoff Holsclaw
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