I've noticed...that I sometimes resist things, because of ways I've felt resisted by others. Not something I'm particularly proud of, but good for me to be aware of.
In other words, resistance isn’t something confined just to other people—it is in me as well.
I wonder how far my resistance would go, if pressed hard enough—if I felt desperate enough.
And, if I was that desperate, would I resist the same way I had been resisted?
In other words, if I (or someone I loved) had been the victim of specific and systemic violence, would my method of resistance not be the use of specific and systemic violence? If you use power over me, what else would I resort to than to try to use power...to stop your power. If you try to destroy me and what I love, would I not instinctively try to destroy you to stop you from continuing?
I can't really say in good faith, can I, that I really just don't understand...how people can react with violence? That seems like a kind of denial; an avoidance of the truth; even a convenient dishonesty. I'm afraid I would do the same thing, at least instinctively.
...unless we are shown another way to resist—to be more human in it. We are the ones who must show what it means to be truly human...as a means of resistance. But it requires action, especially now, to show this alternative way...in order to be it.