Is anybody willing to admit how exhausted they are trying to do this everywhere it seems to be required?
Are we so worried about heading things off that we are nearly incapable of just being present to the current moment?
This strikes me as a form of collective sleep-walking; a way (in spite of the perceivable hyper-activity involved) that we are not truly awake to what is actually going on around us. Perhaps, even worse, to what is happening within us.
Is this partly why we are still SO surprised that things like racism can exist...even within ourselves (funny - actually sad - how everyone claims that they're not racist...well who is it, then, that is)? Perhaps, this just underscores the point.
What If...the method we need to get a hold of is not so much running around trying to keep certain things from happening, as it is to re-deploy the energy we do have to the matters within ourselves, with each other, that we need to deal with.
"Better get out in front of it" doesn't sound right.