Sunday, May 31, 2020

Push Us Into The Truth

When fear is dominating the dynamic and nothing else feels capable of working, it seems to me the church is uniquely positioned to demonstrate what it means to be human and to lead work on human racism.

But, will it?

The church will not be a leading example in racial healing until we feel the weight of communal guilt and shame and then allow it to push us into the truth.

-- Latasha Morrison

God’s followers are asked to model a community of mutuality and solidarity.

Centuries of [New Testament] interpretation have attempted to spiritualize or minimize this good news for the poor, hiding the reality that the Bible is a book by, about, and for poor and marginalized people. It not only says that God blesses and loves the poor, but also that the poor are God’s agents and leaders in rejecting and dismantling kingdoms built upon oppression and inequality. . . . It is the vision of society the early Christians sought to create on earth, and that we who follow Jesus today are commanded to strive for as well.

-- Richard Rohr