Many people believe they cannot afford (to risk) change. And, it seems even more believe it is just too hard to embrace its disruption, even when it comes to them anyway.
But the reality is that life (God?) is always pulling us forward—inviting us to change (to grow) because changing is simply cooperating with what is already happening, everywhere. Holding on to things, especially beliefs in the way things used to be, is largely a futile effort because things will change anyway, with or without our approval.
Holding on to beliefs is often largely about something else anyway, like a desire for security. But, in what (or in whom) are we secure? Certainly not in the fact that things won’t change...because they will—because they do.
Static is a design feature that we might prefer, but it doesn't actually exist—change just IS.
So, the real risk then, it seems to me, is not embracing it.