Indiana is the latest battleground in the Red for Ed Revolution. I’ve been covering this movement on my various platforms for the last few weeks and I have been at once inspired and disgusted by the reactions I’ve seen. I’ve been truly moved and encouraged over the last week as I’ve watched school district after school district cancel classes for November 19th–the date that has been set aside for a large Red for Ed rally at the Indiana Statehouse–to support the teachers’ first amendment rights to be heard. As of this writing, more than 75 districts have called off classes for that day, including many of the largest districts in the state. Many districts are planning e-learning days for that day and others will make up the missed day at a later date. More than 10,000 teachers have already registered to attend and I’d expect to see well above that number actually attend. This kind of grassroots democracy is what makes America such a unique and invigorating place. It’s what makes us America. Yet, not everyone seems to be as thrilled by this as I am. I’ve been monitoring the push back on social media and, while I’m never going to let that bring me down, it does dampen the excitement a bit to read the comments of so many misinformed people...continue here.
-- Gary Snyder