On the whole we are not conscious of evolution, and we do not act as if our choices can influence the direction of evolution. . . . What will it take for us to realize that we are unfinished creatures who are in the process of being created? That our world is being created? That our church is being created? That Christ is being formed in us? . . . The good news of Jesus Christ is not so much what happens to us but what must be done by us. The choices we make for the future will create the future. We must reinvent ourselves in love.
-- Ilia Delio
A few years ago, I noticed a version of song lyrics referencing the Creator. It was in present tense and read, "The Creating One...". I have never forgotten it. There is something that rings true about the notion that a creator is someone that continues to create. And, it doesn't take much to notice that a lot of language and metaphor in the Bible (transformation, all things new, etc.) indicates that this is exactly what God is doing—has done AND continues to do. We are participants in this creation through things like choices, influence, and love.