It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
-- Galatians 5:1
My how we humans use the Bible sometimes. Of course, the statement alone should lead one to wonder something like, set us free from what? I'm contemplating that today.
Though perhaps only indirectly connected, I am mindful this 4th of July of some of the wonderful freedoms I enjoy, we as a nation enjoy. I know not everyone does or can. That knowledge alone gives me pause....
As I ran trails near our house today, I met numerous people who were doing the same -- outside, freely walking, running, or biking simply for the enjoyment of it. Almost completely without fear, at least when compared to many of our human brethren around the world who live nearly every minute in fear of one kind or another.
I have so much freedom. I don't have to work today, because my employee is paying me not to work. I have mobility to be out and about, exercising however as I wish. I have emotional equilibrium to imagine the wonder of everything around me this morning -- the color, the coolness, the sound, the smell. I even enjoyed food I don't normally eat because I had the freedom to eat it. So much freedom. So much to enjoy. I am so grateful to be aware of a God who provides of all this and more.
"It is for freedom, that Christ has set us free..."
May I live and give out of the abundance of such freedom.