Consciously (or sub-consciously), some often try to keep people 'in' a group by constructing, and then maintaining, a belief narrative. And, often the same people try to keep others 'out' of the group by questioning or challenging what they believe (not believing the 'right' thing...that the group believes).
Using belief narratives this way is really just a way of avoiding something—like the hard work in a relationship of really dealing with the pain or the discomfort that is often involved between people, especially over time. In that way, working on what people believe or saying (narrative) that 'they' don't believe the right (same) thing is a cop-out. It is easier—but, it's really just avoidance, it's self-protective.
And, it certainly isn't love. Which is a bit ironic because love is often the more compelling piece of what belief itself tends to call for.