Saturday, March 09, 2019

Things Must Change

Things must change.

In fact, things will change whether we want them to or not.

Right; eternal things don't change.  But, we don't know precisely what all those things are (we might not even know what very many of them are).  We believe we know, but we largely don't.

Jesus basically said, both by his words and his deeds, I am here to change everything...especially the things you think you know.

It is often religious people who think they know the most.  Because they seem busy trying to avoid dying: "I'm right—follow me, and you will live."  They cite Jesus as the one who said that—and he did.  But, what he meant was that in order to live you have to change, largely by dying to things (that we think).

Jesus, too, moved through this change, knowing everything dies—including himself—because he is interested in resurrection, in life after death. the life that comes from being born again (changing).

Everything around us is changing and so are we.

Things do change...because they must change.