Dear Daughter,
Unfortunately, in life there are times you will not be valued. Do not stay where you are not valued. Do not waste time in self-pity because someone did not value you. Your value, your worth, comes from your heart, not from someone else.
Today you were rejected by someone. Your heart felt broken, it was not. You even trusted the person who did not value you. They led you to believe they valued hard work, passion, off-season dedication, and attitude. They led you to believe these qualities were important to them when in fact to them they are not. Your heart hurts because you believed the words of someone who let you down. You are better leaving when you are not valued.
It is ok and normal to grieve when you close a chapter in your life and start another. Do not confuse self-pity for grief. Grief is part of celebrating what was joyful and good, grief is sadness to saying good-bye, grief is leaving to move onto the next journey. Self-pity is subjecting yourself to another person’s power. Self-pity is allowing imperfect people’s errors to consume your energy. Continue here....
-- Sara Johnson
I feel increasing aware that nearly all positions have some merit and that they are often mixed with other things, too. In this case, I like admonition to consider the source of value, especially under the circumstances involved. But, I'm not sure leaving every time you feel you aren't, is the best advice.
Each situation is different and perhaps that is the point. Knowing that something might be helpful but that it also may not be in every situation is, too.