There are many characteristics of good leaders, so ranking them may not only be difficult, but also problematic. I would then have to hazard this notion, that among the greater characteristics is respect for diversity.
A leader must not only acknowledge the need for diversity, but also put it in place and ensure it is working — like an inclusion rider? — not just by quota, but as evidence of genuine understanding of the value of different ideas. It is our ideas that inform how we view people and leadership — our ideas affirm or betray us, not to mention others.
I remember the disgust people around me felt about the black panther movement in the 60s and 70s. "Why can't they just behave and not be so disrespectful?" Watching the recent movie, Black Panther, helps me see what that attitude was suppressing, what had been suppressed (for a deeper a look at that suppression — check this out) in terms of the value of a whole people group, what they could add to the beauty of all people.
And, diversity is not just about race. It is about the acceptance of all people, even those with differences within the same tribe.
Good leaders respect diversity, a lot.