Awareness is a process, not a destination.
I felt even more aware of this reality this week, during a conversation among friends. It is really never about arrival.
This discovery, of course, is a bit disappointing because we are highly conditioned to expect some benefits of arrival; like reversal, making something right, relief, or peace. But, in the end, we only really achieve these ideas when we recognize that they are already with us and that awareness of them is, perhaps, the highest good about them. This is it. It is all we need. And, it is far better than we've realized.
It is not over there. It is right here. The current moment is all that is. And, that's perfect because the future is the next moment and we get to do it again.
So we're free to embrace this moment, becoming aware of IT, and ask our next version of the question...about the process of what is.
Oh, and metaphorically speaking, when would we ever be more aware of this reality than at a time after a day like Good Friday and before a day like Easter? On a Saturday that can feel lost between devastation and more hope than ever...on a day when something like transformation would seem totally imperceptible.