Today, Tami and I have been married for 32 years. Stopping to consider the significance of that — there is something kind of miraculous about it.
I'm not sure we've ever been more unified and unique. Perhaps, this is a matter of awareness — we have come together in so many ways, sharing so much of a vision about life and so much more free to both be and to allow each other to be our unique selves. I am so grateful for the way this works over time and that God has been so merciful to us, individually and together.
Over this last year, we have faced some challenging things; each in our own way. And, we have done it somehow together. Some things feel like they are being torn away from us. At the same time, new things have formed; we wonder about how these realities work, how they may even be necessary. Dying and rebirth = growing. As we look ahead, we are excited about the future, about what we are discovering and will yet discover...about God, about life, and our marriage.
Tami amazes me — I'm so glad we're in this together.