I wonder how we are strengthened or weakened by the smallest of our choices.
Every once in a while, the implications of small choices become more clear. The smallest of decisions can really impact the course of a whole day. And, the course of a whole day can affect a week, and so on...until it becomes clear that such things are adding up in some kind of way. Sometimes our choices are so small, or so familiar, that we don't even detect them. I've noticed this particularly with food. A choice early in the day (conscious or not) about what I eat can set a whole chain reaction of 'hunger' (bad or good) in motion throughout the rest of the day.
I suspect that thought patterns may not be too different. What I choose to think about or how I choose to dwell on something, may have far-reaching implications.
So, what kind of habits am I forming through awareness of my smallest choices? And, how am I strengthening something later, when I say 'no' or 'yes' to something right now?