Conspiracies seem to bounce back-and-forth between 'yeah, right...' and 'are you serious?'. What seems to move the dial is the sense of threat involved. Whatever works to convince us of a threat to something in life seems to work in getting our attention.
What if we were able to consider some of our life through an 'up against a conspiracy' lens? If it's true that a good conspiracy is potentially threatening, at either a literal or proverbial level, what if we looked at it as something conspiring against us? We can often get mired down in self-contempt and fatal-flaws (actually worth considering once in a while). But, what if a lot of what we face is actually something trying to deny us of a part of life? What is out to get me or keep me in a state where I am unable to embrace life around me? What keeps me unaware of reality or even deadened to it?
If I viewed such things through a lens of 'what is conspiring against me' to deny me life, would it help? We all have patterns or things that tend to draw us towards something and away from an ability to be available to life around or within us. Different things seem to work on different people. If we became aware of those things, and acknowledge that they are being designed to deprive us of an opportunity to be more alive, how would that motivate me differently? Usually, it seems to me, we just wish we could avoid these things that pull us away and we become a bit fatalistic about our prospects for success in overcoming them. But, if I saw these things not so much for what they are, as what they're trying to do, perhaps this could assist me in this consistent battle.
I am drawn to life; this thing or that thing (whatever it is for each of us), however, is drawing my attention away from life and towards something else. I want to remain aware and available to life around and within me. This thing denies me that opportunity, so I want to walk away from this, because it is conspiring against me.
Would this kind of re-framing help?