As part of my on-going Tuesday posts on leadership (follow the 'leader'-related links in each), I find myself asking what being a leader is.
A thought recently was crowding my mind -- "I'm not a good leader". So, I couldn't avoid asking what is a good leader? Who decided what leadership even is, not to mention what makes one a good or bad leader? Recognizing that such things are heavily influenced by the culture that informs our thinking about them, who does it say leaders are? And, perhaps more importantly, why does it select who it does?
Is God a leader? Somehow that doesn't feel quite right, as a description of God (at the very least in the 'CEO' sense of leadership things). Yet, most would say God does lead them. So, how does God lead us? Should that be what we look to, in response to such questions as above? Should I assess my 'leadership' more through that grid, than the one imposed by the systems of our world? I'm leading the witness now, so back to my question....