I've noticed...that I am surprised sometimes at the significance of the smallest of things. Someone recently asked about my brother and whether or not I would see him soon. I had, frankly, forgotten about our recent plans to visit each other. One small comment reminded me to do something that otherwise I might have just missed. This kind of thing seems to happen regularly. Too regularly.
The other day I noticed the slightest tinges of pink lacing the edges of what otherwise looks like just some white flowers on the shrubs in our front yard. Who would have thought of adding a dash of pink, especially if most wouldn't notice it anyway? A friend recently wrote Tami a note about the care she had observed Tami giving a student in real need. One perspective might be that she was just doing her job. But this person noticed how much more it really was. A small thing, but not really...for any of those involved.
I am grateful for such seemingly insignificant things and encouraged to pay attention to them. Small things are not insignificant -- insignificant things are rarely insignificant.