Sunday, February 26, 2017

So if I were your enemy...

The quieter the mind, the more powerful, the worthier, the deeper, the more telling and more perfect the prayer is.

-- Meister Eckhart

Technology, social media, Netflix, travel, food and wine, comfort. I would not tempt you with notably bad things, or you would get suspicious.  I would distract you with everyday comforts that slowly feed you a different story and make you forget God.  Then you would dismiss the Spirit leading you, loving you, and comforting you. Then you would start to love comfort more than surrender and obedience and souls.

If that didn’t work, I would attack your identity. I would make you believe you had to prove yourself.  Then you would focus on yourself instead of God. Friends would become enemies.  Teammates would become ...continue here.

-- Jennie Allen