I am generally a skeptic when it comes to conspiracies, except when they apply to me (grin).
I must be willing to live, at times, in unfamiliar territory (perhaps even willing to choose it). Otherwise, I risk becoming unhealthy, even sick, from a diet of the familiar I can so naturally maintain.
Perhaps 'the road less traveled' is not really the one others don't take. Perhaps it is really the one I don't take, the less familiar one...the one less traveled by me.
The first step to any goal is to know what you want.
My son announced to me this week that he bought tickets for he and I to attend U2's concert, as part of their 'Joshua Tree Anniversary' tour, this June. Though certainly grateful for the opportunity itself, I am even more overwhelmed by his heart towards me -- his generosity, his sensitivity, his expression of love. Love is a humbling thing, isn't it?