Don’t be fooled.
Throughout history, every generation believes it understands how our world works. And yet we look back and realize that many conventional beliefs were wrong. Today I’d like to share a story that makes my skin crawl because it illustrates just how wrong our leaders can be, even when their own personal safety is at issue.
George Washington was President of the United States from 1789 to 1797. On December 12, 1799, he was back to private life and spent about four hours on horseback supervising farming activities. The weather went from rain to hail to snow, and Washington was wet when he returned home. By the next morning, he had a sore throat. 24 hours later, the throat infection was so severe that he was having trouble breathing.
This was when Washington asked George Rawlins, an overseer at Mount Vernon, to bleed him...continue here....
-- Bruce Kasanoff