Rushing makes spaces small. Being still in a space can reveal to us just how big it is. How could we have scurried right by it, without noticing? I have not only done that emotionally at times, but also physically...speeding down some oft-driven road, I haven't seen what you see when you just walk by it. Matters of the heart may work in similar ways.
Recognizing this, a thought has dawned on me. What if something isn't so much getting away from me as much as the possibility that something is coming to me? What if, in fact, it has been waiting for me? To wait for it?
'Getting away' often feels like losing something. But, if that is not really what is happening, then it would seem possible that something else is being readied, to be gained, rather than lost. I am often stuck in the loop of my own expectations. And, as a result, I may not recognize that something is about to be given. Perhaps, I just need to be readied to receive it. Not recognizing this could end up with me missing it altogether.
I admit I am a bit apprehensive, but also a bit fuller of wonder, too...what is coming? Will I wait for it...or rush on?