Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Week of the Bride, Pt 3: Valley & Routine

So far, I am calling today, 'the valley'.  The brimming 'sense of anticipation' cannot be perpetually sustained and, perhaps, goodly so.  In a matter of hours (days), we will all be converted to a rush of something, if not the details themselves, the actual engulfing of the event itself.  And, that, I look forward to immensely...because 'the thing' IS happening!

But today's low spot seems rightly a more subdued day (though it's not yet over...).  A time of reflection, low-grade anticipation and building, of doing the final behind-the-scenes stuff of preparation.  Last night, opportunity for friction well as the appeal (to me) of avoidance.  I awoke this morning a bit anxious about it.  But, I stuck to the pattern of living that has served me so well in recent years and exerted myself physically, and thereby spiritually, to discover anew where my strength truly what I believe, because of Who I believe in, Who sustains me.

Here again, I risk too much about me, but I sense the moment was recognized by others in my family last night and am grateful that I chose not to use the force of self-protection, but rather a kind of patience (although, certainly, an imperfect one...given some of my internals).  The greater things are true (though it's not that the lesser things are not...), and it is those that I thankfully rediscovered this morning.  I can be something good, whether I fully and perfectly am or am perceived to be that way or not.  Others are living a dynamic as well, in their own lives, and that also actually can be deeply trusted.

The beauty of the sunrise whispered this truth to my waking mind and now the morning of these truths are again in full-bloom.  I am alive and well and goodness is on its way (like it always is).

From the valley...of the 'Week of the Bride'.