In my own, small corner of the world, I am designating this as 'Week of the Bride', from a father's perspective. My oldest daughter, Drew, gets married this coming Saturday. Since this is the first marriage of one of my children, I think it good (for my sake, in nothing else) to capture at least some of the thoughts and emotions, particularly that I experience this week.
Thoughts: We are transfixed by both the temporal and the transcendent. Temporal -- what will the weather be like for this 'outdoor' wedding (we aren't the first to temp this fate)? Transcendent -- what will this kind of beauty do to me? How will it melt into and emanate from my daughter and son-in-law? We are dealing with timeless forces here. May a portion of God be reflected well.
Emotions: I have had the words, but this morning the emotions, too -- that I will truly miss my daughter. I sat a bit slumped on the stairs with my wife as tears flooded my eyes (yes, it's only Monday...). As I hold something for my daughter, she does the same for me, too. I will miss that, and her. I am also over-joyed for her and this most natural of unfoldings of life. I couldn't be happier.