Easter is a day to put everything upside down and inside out.
...once more, they are told not to be afraid (v 5). What is there to be afraid of, if Easter has dealt with the greatest monster of all, death itself? Why should you be afraid of anything, if Jesus has been raised from the dead, if the old world has cracked open and a new world has been born?
Easter always looks outwards. From the very start, the news that Jesus is risen contains a command: 'Go!' Go, first to Galilee; go back to where it began, back to your roots to meet the risen Jesus there and watch him transform everything, including your oldest memories. And, as you obey the command of the angel, Jesus himself may perhaps meet you in person (v 9). Take hold of him. Worship him. This is his day, the Day of Days. Make it yours, too.
-- N.T. Wright, Matthew 28
We are being forever invited to something much more than the temptation surrounding us now...because HE IS ALIVE afterall!