It seems increasingly true as a culture that we believe the only way we can be heard anymore is to yell.
The media is either creating some of this or, at the very least, fostering it. I can hardly pass by a screen anymore where there isn't someone yelling at someone else about their rights. This will take us to a logically undesirable end.
We must learn to talk again. To talk to each other, to talk with each other...especially with people who aren't 'just like us'. And, good talking requires listening...something very hard to do when you're yelling.
I was reminded last night at a local Oratorically Society presentation that there are other ways to effectively communicate, where talking and listening are both honored, simultaneously. Voice and thought can still co-exist, if not harmoniously, then effectively.
We need to stop yelling, in order to be heard. To re-learn how to just talk...and listen.