We all seem to have a fatal flaw. Or, perhaps better said, we all are fatally flawed. One way or another, we are all in the same place; incapable of sustaining our lives, much less our success.
This is actually good news, if not only for the relief of it, then for the truth of it. It should free us. We can stop trying to overcome it by fixing it or compensating for it in ourselves, not to mention the way we often so easily settle for trying to keep track of the 'flaw' in others in order to simply make ourselves feel better.
Acknowledging this (continually) is pretty critical to what we are left with. We are either done, dead, gone or we can give way to something miraculous that can rise from the ashes of this truth. What preempts the futility of such eminent death? Is it not...mercy?
Because we know the depth of our flawedness, we recognize the power of mercy to redeem the scene. Because of our personal experience with this mercy, we have unique and powerful opportunity to extend it to others. This is the beauty of the notion - we can offer mercy, because we have experienced mercy. Our flaw has revealed in very personal terms the nature of this mercy.
We can actually rejoice in our flaw...because of the opportunity it creates for others, the opportunity it creates to help other people stop wasting their efforts to fix or compensate for their flaw.
Mercy triumphs...!