I know that the more I humble myself to others, the broader my understanding of God has actually become.
-- Francis Frangipane
This seems true, at a number of levels, for me today.
For example, this morning's ritual in the woods was truncated with an ankle sprain I am still wincing at. After a few unexpected expletives, a huge 'WHY?!' also came tumbling out (note-to-self: my deepest 'why's are usually connected to pain). I was being so careful in my running, too, because I had done this very same thing just a couple of weeks ago. After the recurring frustration, WHY presented itself in full view. I limped home slowly...with more time than I had originally planned for, to consider things.
Pain invited another thought into my view. Perhaps I tend to move too quickly these days...and this circumstance has afforded me an opportunity to slow me down. What is faster getting me anyway? How does faster affect those around me? Is there something anti-humble going on, in the speed of my life? I can think of a few examples of where my speed may not be experienced as humility by others. God is not speedy, per se, with me -- though He certainly could be. Why isn't He? ...what is better about His slowness towards me?
And, what of that do I need to offer to others...humbly?