A number of my young friends are headed to the annual Momentum youth conference today, including my daughter.
I have a sense of anticipation and excitement for them. I believe they will have an opportunity to see things they don't normally see. And, that can be both exhilarating and broadening. Exhilarating in the sense that they can feel their breath being caught by a glimpse of the magnitude of God's work. Broadening in the sense that they can imagine new things, hear different things, see things differently.
One might describe such an experience as a mountain-top experience. A high. I hope that it is. Who wouldn't want a wider view of life? Not unlike the view from an airplane window, high places tend to provide that and often the perspective they give can inform us about our lives in low places. If we can see more of what things really look like from above, we are more free, less weighed down by the seemingly terminal details of the daily grind. Is this what it means, at least in part, when Jesus said that his burden is 'light'? Perspective on reality can really shape it.
Sure, there are risks (even dangers) in climbing any mountain. People can get hurt, in a number of ways. But, the climb, in some ways is necessary...to expand our view, to see things beyond just the way we see them most days.
It is noteworthy that no one lives on the mountain top; we all live in the valley somewhere. But, the mountains inspire us to see more than what we tend to see day-to-day and to know more about where the help we need comes from.
There are plenty of 'low' days to keep us...grounded. So, look up...and climb! And, be awestruck by the view!
I hope my young friends get a glimpse this week of something they haven't seen before and that they will be able to see some of why the climb is worth it.