I was laying there. "I can't move." "I can't get up." "I'm so tired." "I feel awful," type sentences running through my blurry mind. And, this, after what was supposed to be a good night's sleep....
But, the longer I laid there, the more I recognized a second voice...saying things like, "You'll feel so much better if you just get moving." "You don't have time later in the day." "You've done this hundreds of times, and you've rarely (ever?) regretted it -- get up!"
The 'discussion' continued until finally something rather simple emerged from the waking fog -- choose. Which did I want? ...both, actually. How would I decide? ...which did I want more?
Was it a mind-over-matter situation? Kinda. And, it comes down to choosing.
I got up, worked out, talked to friend afterward, and blended into my normal morning ritual. I remember at one point noting how thankful I was that I had gotten up, that what does happen 9 out of 10 times...happened again, that I could encounter God in those few precious morning moments moving from A-to-B.
And, I ended up ready again for another day. Refreshed. Invigorated. Alive. Ready.
...all in about 75 minutes of morning transitions. Gratefully, remarkable.
How many others things in my life am I, or would I be, so deeply thankful for because of the simple act of choosing -- of thinking about and deciding upon what I really want.
That day my mind was the wiser and really did help me overcome, what I otherwise was just 'feeling'.