I never expected that a mother’s labor and delivery never ends — and you never stop having to remember to breathe.
I didn’t know that taking the path of most resistance often leads to the most reward.
No one told me that it would all happen at the same hallowed time: Mothering is at once the hardest and the holiest and the happiest.
Real Womanhood isn’t a function of becoming a great mother, but of being loved by your Great Father.
-- Ann Voskamp
More from Ann here....
I appreciate these words. They capture something I knew, but didn't know quite how to say. Saying and doing are bedfellows of a majestic nature, when alive towards each other. A characteristic that so exemplifies holy mothering -- something I have both received from my mother and witnessed in my wife. I am so grateful for its holy nature, born heavenly and grown on earth. That sacrifice of this kind is still both ordinarily and extraordinarily alive is an encouraging thing, even for me as a man. I am ennobled by it. Even more wonderfully, my kids are strengthened and beautified by it.
Thank you to both of these women in my life, who take this path and breathing it both into themselves and out to those I love so much.