After the start to my day yesterday, I wondered what the rest of it would bring. I was surprised to be so broken open emotionally at church later that morning. Several young people shared about how they were impacted by the book, The Hiding Place, by Corrie ten Boom. They spoke deeply from within themselves. They spoke deeply to me about trusting in God, during times when it is hard to do so. They spoke about how they encountered God because of the book, because of the way Corrie lived her life. They spoke that it is often during these times, that we encounter God.
I hinted as ending my post yesterday with the notion that the day may yet have something I didn't expect. It certainly did, through the passion of these young lives.
But more than that, I felt - no, not beautiful. Even on such a romantic day as this, I could not persuade myself of that. I knew that my jaw was too square, my legs to long, my hands to large. But I earnestly believed - and all the books agreed - that I would look beautiful to the man who loved me.
-- Corrie ten Boom
This passage was shared yesterday by a young lady at our church, she herself went on to say:
I liked these stories because even though I can't persuade myself that I’m beautiful, when my family and friends remind me that I am, I can go deeper than my feelings and believe those that are close to me.
-- Gynnea Hochstetler turned out to be a 'great day' after all, because I was reminded again of things that matter...of truth I can believe even when I don't feel it. I wonder how my beginning of it affected what happened later in it.