On my 50th birthday, I recognize how much I have for which to be thankful. A swell of gratitude rose within me during my morning run and like icing on cake, the above was awaiting me upon my return...with all 3 'musketeers' eager for my enjoyment of it.
I give my loving and faithful wife credit for inspiring them to honor me. Her words were also very dear, overcoming me in their observation of my life with her.
My parents, brother, friends, co-workers all wished me well in this milestone of sorts.
Because of all of these graces and the many more from my walk with God over the years that have freed me in many ways to be more alive and live with more energy towards life and towards others. Among the many capstones of life, I must put Gratitude near the top...or perhaps near the bottom, as a foundation of all else that is good, honorable, pleasurable, and full of joy. THANK YOU 50!
...by the way, a friend whispered to me today that Lewis' notion that the 'best is yet to come' isn't really the case...for the next 50 anyway (he's in his 60s). ;-)
...uncool to put a smiley-face on a blog, but couldn't resist this time.