Sunday, March 31, 2013

New, Undiminishable Hope

A new, undiminishable Hope has Come!  Truly, Happy Easter!

The ultimate droop of our collective human heads has paused their seemingly final descent.  What is this news?!  Like a tidal wave of unending momentum, the previously indefatiguable power of Death has been overcome.  Could it after-all like no other!  With wonder we turn from yesterday's desperation to a Today that is surprising beyond measure, unimagined beyond comprehension, something so full of Hope that Joy is the only description of the prospect of real Peace.

The Omnipotent Power has trumped Death, once and for all, and we can now share in the reunion of All the Good God has created.  He is Risen! more Fridays, no more Saturdays.  Sunday has Arrived!