The Saturday between Good Friday and Easter. What must that have been like -- that day between an utter dashing of hope and the re-brightening of it? The ever-brightening of it!
But, before that earth-shattering reality of the actual possibility of Resurrection, that Saturday...what were people experiencing then? A crushing sense that all that they had so pinned their hopes on might actually not be anything more than anything else had ever been...Defeated. Nothing had changed after all And, now, an ever-dismaling prospect that it Never would. Just another, even more, massive disappointment. Confined Hopelessness.
How could one go on? That Saturday with an Easter-not-yet. An Easter not known. An Easter now not even likely...given the swallowing up of everything by Death just the day before.
It's hard to even imagine the devastation of what that most-worst Saturday must have been like. But, then again, maybe not...much of our world gropes on in utter hopelessness, without knowledge of the Easter Coming.