"Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow..."
-- Isaiah 1:18
I thanked God in the middle of all the woody white this morning when a voice within me said, "YOU can't thank God. You sin one day and then pretend to thank Him the next! That is not right. You are not worthy to imagine yourself in a relationship with Him." I felt stung, partly because the Accuser's words were true. I am not worthy. I said that to myself in response. I am not worthy.
"...but, that is not the basis of my love for you", said another Voice. At this, I could almost feel the snarl of indignation from the former voice as it vaporized from the scene. It felt as if he couldn't slay me with the half-truth he was using against me, he would leave silence to linger around my response to see if I really believed it, really accepted it. It was odd that something so loud could grow so quiet, and so quickly.
I thanked God again for the beauty of the morning, for the snow, and for the gift of knowing that I will be as white as it is.